Understanding JavaScript Generators and Iterators: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Understanding JavaScript Generators and Iterators: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

JavaScript has many features that make developers' lives easier, and two of the most fascinating ones are generators and iterators. They might sound complex, but don’t worry—by the end of this blog, you’ll see how simple and useful they are.

Let’s break it down step by step, with easy explanations and practical examples.

What Are Iterators?

If you're coming from a programming background in languages like Java or Python, you might already be familiar with the concept of iterators—they help you traverse through collections like lists or arrays. But for those new to this idea, let's take a closer look at how iterators work in JavaScript.

Imagine you have a list of things, like:

const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];

You want to go through each fruit, one by one. An iterator is a tool in JavaScript that lets you do exactly that. It’s like a bookmark that keeps track of where you are in the list.

Here’s how it works:

const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];
const iterator = fruits[Symbol.iterator]();

console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: "apple", done: false }
console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: "banana", done: false }
console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: "cherry", done: false }
console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: undefined, done: true }

Every time you call next(), it gives you the next item. The done property tells you if you’ve reached the end of the list. Learn more about iterators from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Iterator.

What Are Generators?

Now, let’s talk about generators. They’re like a special kind of function that works one step at a time. Think of it as a story where you pause after each chapter and continue only when you’re ready.

Basic Syntax of Generators

A generator function is defined using the function* syntax. The * indicates that it’s a generator. Inside the function, the yield keyword is used to pause the function and return a value.

Here’s the simplest example:

function* simpleGenerator() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

const gen = simpleGenerator();

console.log(gen.next()); // { value: 1, done: false }
console.log(gen.next()); // { value: 2, done: false }
console.log(gen.next()); // { value: 3, done: false }
console.log(gen.next()); // { value: undefined, done: true }

Key Concepts:

  1. function* Declaration: The asterisk (*) after function signifies it’s a generator function.

  2. yield Keyword: Pauses the generator function and returns the specified value.

  3. next() Method: Resumes the generator function from where it was last paused and returns the next yield value.

  4. done Property: Indicates if the generator function has finished execution (true if finished, false otherwise).

A generator function automatically creates an iterator for you. Generators and iterators work hand in hand: the generator defines how values are produced and pauses the process with yield, while the iterator controls the flow by calling next() to fetch the next value. Think of the generator as the chef preparing each dish one by one and the iterator as the waiter serving each dish to your table in the right order. Together, they enable fine-grained control over iteration.

Let’s break it down step by step, with easy explanations and practical examples.

Examples of Generators

1. Infinite Numbers (When You Don’t Know Where to Stop)

Generators are perfect for creating infinite sequences.
Imagine you need an endless list of numbers:

function* infiniteNumbers() {
  let num = 1;
  while (true) {
    yield num++;

const numbers = infiniteNumbers();
console.log(numbers.next().value); // 1
console.log(numbers.next().value); // 2
console.log(numbers.next().value); // 3

2. Creating a Task Queue

Imagine you’re building a application and you need to perform multiple task in flow. You can use a generator to simulate tasks being processed one by one:

function* taskQueue() {
  yield "Task 1: Send email";
  yield "Task 2: Process payment";
  yield "Task 3: Generate report";

const tasks = taskQueue();

console.log(tasks.next().value); // Task 1: Send email
console.log(tasks.next().value); // Task 2: Process payment
console.log(tasks.next().value); // Task 3: Generate report

This helps you simulate handling tasks in a sequence, which can be useful for managing workflows.

3. Handling Asynchronous Requests Sequentially

If you’re building an app with paginated data (like showing 10 items per page), you can use a generator to fetch and display pages:

function* fetchUsers() {
  yield fetch("/api/user/1").then((res) => res.json());
  yield fetch("/api/user/2").then((res) => res.json());
  yield fetch("/api/user/3").then((res) => res.json());

async function handleRequests() {
  const users = fetchUsers();

  console.log(await users.next().value); // Fetch and log user 1
  console.log(await users.next().value); // Fetch and log user 2
  console.log(await users.next().value); // Fetch and log user 3


Pros and Cons of Using Generators


  1. Memory Efficiency: Generators produce values on demand, which can save memory compared to creating large arrays or lists.

  2. Lazy Evaluation: Generators pause execution and only resume when needed, making them ideal for scenarios like infinite sequences or heavy computations.

  3. Readable Asynchronous Code: With async/await, generators can simplify complex asynchronous flows, improving code readability.

  4. Custom Iteration Logic: Generators allow you to define how iteration works, which can be more flexible than built-in iteration methods.


  1. Not Always Intuitive: Generators can be tricky for beginners to understand, especially when compared to traditional loops or recursion.

  2. Limited Parallel Execution: Generators work sequentially, which may not be suitable for scenarios requiring parallelism.

  3. Performance Overhead: In some cases, generators might introduce slight performance overhead due to their pausing and resuming mechanism if not used correctly.

  4. Debugging Complexity: Debugging generator-based code can be harder, especially when dealing with yield in complex workflows.

When Should You Use Generators?

  • When you need lazy loading: For example, handling large datasets or creating infinite sequences.

  • When implementing custom iteration: Generators provide flexibility to create iteration logic tailored to your needs.

  • For asynchronous workflows: Generators can help simplify asynchronous processes when combined with yield and async.

This is just a high-level introduction to the concept of generators, to deep dive and learn more checkout this documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Generator

Wrapping Up

Generators and iterators might seem tricky at first, but once you see them in action, they’re pretty cool! They give you more control over your code and make handling complex scenarios much simpler.

Got questions or ideas for using these features? Drop them in the comments or reach out.